Vajra Vidya StupaThis spring I took the opportunity to go on a 7-day silent retreat in Colorado with a teacher, Susanne Marie.  I hadn’t been on a silent retreat that long and wondered what it would be like.  I’ve done vision quests before, and compared to 4 days and nights isolated on the land fasting, this seemed quite luxurious.  I would have shelter, a bed, and meals!

Silence can be intense, especially if we aren’t used to it, and I was surprised to feel like the retreat was actually not very quiet at all in the ways I was imagining.  Most mornings …

spiritual practice
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I was recently given an assignment to create a vision board of what I wanted to bring forth into life.  I love to collage and so I sat down with the idea of what I wanted to bring forth….the deepest experience of homecoming in the midst of life as it is, fun, play and vitality.  That sounded like an amazing a juicy collage.  As I sat down with my magazines and started looking for images, I felt a total block.  A friend who was also working on this asked me if I was in resistance to the assignment.  As I …

Letting Go
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I was speaking with a colleague recently about a possible talk on suffering for their community.  It’s been a while since I had a speaking engagement and I found myself having one of those moments where you meet someone new and you each take turns saying something that really resonates.  It was a fun conversation.  I had to chuckle as I spoke with the friend who referred me to speak on this topic.  She said, “When I heard the topic was suffering, I knew exactly who could speak to that”.

I have been recently launched into another stream of learning …

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This past week has been intense.  I was in a gathering the other night where we all checked in and as I sat in silence, I wondered how to name what was happening for me.  An image came right away.  When I was in labor with my first child, it became clear he had flipped upside down and was stuck that way.  From the moment we discovered his position, my midwives told me not to push.  Sometimes that physical urge is described as similar to the urge to throw up or sneeze, but with exponential intensity.  Try stoping that when …

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In general when a child asks me a question, I feel a responsibility to answer their question with good will and honesty.  “What time is it?”  11:58 I might answer.  Specifically, when a person asks me a question shortly after I have already answered the question, I can get playful.  “What time is it?”  Now, I say.  Dinner time, I say.  Daytime, I say.

In our time focused culture we give a lot of power to the clock, to the ordering of the world in precise organized ways.  Time is a real thing.  We experience ourselves and others aging.  We …

Letting Go
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I love walking the labyrinth.  I am fortunate to have several labyrinths available to me with a short drive from home.  Invariably I try to get myself oriented on the path and just as reliably, the path itself keeps undoing me with each twist and turn.  I thought I was surely almost in the middle when I am led to the very outside ring.  I thought I was almost out, when I take a turn towards the center.


Imagine my bemusement today as I settled in to work on some tech issues and stumbled right into a different sort of …

Letting Go
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I feel like I just got back somewhere after a long journey.  Sometimes a move forward in our lives, in our business or any place else takes us on a winding road we never expected.  For me this happened when I moved my website to a different platform.  The blog capability was awful.  It wasn’t made for that.  I did some research and learned about all the work arounds, but basically I just didn’t focus my energy there and let it lie for over 2 years.  It feels like I’ve been gone for a long time.

Come on in!

Oh dear ones, I …

New Life
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We have crossed the threshold into a new year of RE, of Spirit Play. Were you ready? I know that getting and being in a state of readiness is something we had to return to again and again in our class yesterday. In Spirit Play we ask the children and ourselves to get ready for class by getting quiet in our bodies, minds and hearts. We help ourselves get ready by sitting quietly (criss cross applesauce) with our hands to ourselves. When our attention strays, we ask each other and ourselves kindly and gently to get ready again. We bring …

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Joys and Sorrows

This week the moment in Spirit Play that captured me came right at the end of class. Everyone was doing their work. We had about 5 more minutes before it was time to clean up and re-gather on the rug for our closing song. An adult came in the room. I reminded him that class didn’t end for 15 min. but he was a new member who was still on summer service schedule and they had missed church. His son was lagging behind in the hallway, not quite ready to come in. Inside me two things happened.
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Absence and Presence

For the first time this year I missed a scheduled Spirit Play class.  I traveled over the weekend to see family and wondered how class would go in my absence.  I felt very fortunate that a wonderful sub was found and felt a lot of gratitude that my spirit play friends were being held in the capable hands of others in our community.  And the last few weeks of holidays and breaks meant that I have been out of the classroom for several weeks in a row.  In our classroom I strive to connect with each person
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